Our weight management programme under guidence

Children's have to take daily nutrition food for Taller, Sharper and Stronger and also well being healthy active life style.

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How to Lose Weight Fast:
There are many ways to lose a lot of weight fast.
However, most of them will make you hungry and unsatisfied.
If you don’t have iron willpower, then hunger will cause you to give up on these plans quickly.
The plan outlined here will:Reduce your appetite significantly.   



      Make you lose weight quickly, without hunger.
·         Improve your metabolic health at the same time.
Here is a simple 3-step plan to lose weight fast.

Cut Back on Sugars and Starches:
The most important part is to cut back on sugars and starches (carbs).
These are the foods that stimulate secretion of insulin the most. If you didn’t know already, insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body.
When insulin goes down, fat has an easier time getting out of the fat stores and the body starts burning fats instead of carbs.

The low-carb group is eating until fullness, while the low-fat group is calorie restricted and hungry.
Cut the carbs, lower your insulin and you will start to eat less calories automatically and without hunger (4).
Put simply, lowering your insulin puts fat loss on “autopilot.

Lift Weights 3 Times Per Week
You don’t need to exercise to lose weight on this plan, but it is recommended.
The best option is to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Do a warm up, lift weights, then stretch.

Optional – Do a “Carb Re-feed” Once Per Week
You can take one day “off” per week where you eat more carbs. Many people prefer Saturday.
It is important to try to stick to healthier carb sources like oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruits, etc.

How Fast You Will Lose (and Other Benefits)
You can expect to lose 5-10 pounds of weight (sometimes more) in the first week, then consistent weight loss after that.
I can personally lose 3-4 lbs per week for a few weeks when I do this strictly.
If you’re new to dieting, then things will probably happen quickly. The more weight you have to lose, the faster you will lose it.

Why is Nutrition important?
Ans: Eating a balanced diet is vital for good health and wellbeing. Food provides our bodies with the energy, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to live, grow and function properly. We need a wide variety of different foods to provide the right amounts of nutrients for good health.

Living Alone And Poor Nutrition: Single People Likely To Eat Less Fruits And Vegetables, More Ready-Made Meals.

What Are the Advantages of Nutrition?

Eating a proper, nutritious diet offers numerous health benefits that keep you mentally and physically well. Proper nutrition doesn’t mean starving yourself, but instead means eating a diet balanced in lean proteins, carbs and fats. MayoClinic.com recommends getting between 45 and 65 percent of your daily calories from carbohydrates, between 10 and 35 percent of daily calories from protein and between 20 and 35 percent of daily calories from fats.

Heart Health

A diet low in fats, cholesterol and sodium can lower your risk of heart disease. The types of fat in your diet play a major role in your level of risk. Saturated and trans fats -- commonly found in red meats, fried foods, coconut oils, palm oils, margarines and packaged snack foods -- increase your risk and should be avoided. Diets that reduce your risk of heart disease are rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy. Aim for four to five servings of fruits and four to five servings of vegetables per day.

Bone and Teeth Strength

A diet rich in calcium keeps your bones and teeth strong and helps prevent bone loss associated with osteoporosis. Low-fat dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt; dark green vegetables, such as bok choy and broccoli; and fortified foods, such as soy products, fruit juices and cereals are good sources of calcium. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily for average adults ages 19 to 50. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium; choose products fortified with vitamin D to balance your nutrition.


Increased energy levels are the immediate benefits of switching to a healthy diet. Eliminating excess fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates helps prevent blood sugar fluctuations. Examples of refined carbohydrates include candy and white breads. Unprocessed carbohydrates including whole grains, fruits and vegetables are most nutritious. This allows you to maintain steady blood sugar and constant energy levels as a result. Small, frequent meals also help maintain energy. In addition, eating a healthy breakfast helps keep you energized throughout the day. The American Council on Exercise recommends breakfasts, such as oatmeal with fruit, or a light sandwich.

Brain Health

Proper nutrition increases blood flow to your brain, protecting brain cells and helping to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. For a brain healthy diet, avoid fried foods and favor baked, steamed and grilled foods. Also, eat dark fruits and vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, prunes, raisins, blueberries, raspberries, plums and cherries. Almonds, walnuts, pecans and other nuts are great sources of vitamin E, which along with other vitamins, also helps fight Alzheimer’s disease.

Weight Control

To prevent weight gain, you must eat no more calories than you burn each day. For weight loss, you must eat fewer calories than your body burns daily. Healthy and nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins, typically contain fewer calories than sodas, sweets and fast food meals. Shedding excess pounds reduces your risk of obesity-related conditions such as type-2 diabetes, clogged arteries and thyroid dysfunction.

Choose the Right Milk. Mix the shake mix with healthy-minded milk. Use a low fat, non-fat, or soymilk when mixing the shake for the best results. Using whole milk adds unneeded fat to the shake, and provides no benefit to the taste.

About Nutrition

The intake of food, considered in relation to the body's dietary needs. Good nutrition - an adequate, well balanced diet combined with regular physical activity - is a cornerstone of good health. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced productivity. The diet of an organism is what it eats, which is largely determined by the availability, processing and palatability of foods. A healthy diet includes preparation of food and storage methods that preserve nutrients from oxidation, heat or leaching, and that reduce risk of food-born illnesses.

Main Document

Information on human nutrition and eating nutritious food types including fruits and vegetables, nuts, and berries to prevent diseases including cancer. Nutrition is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary to support life. Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with good nutrition.
Eating a healthy nutritious diet has been shown over and over to prevent a variety of diseases, including cancer. Good nutrition is vital to good health, disease prevention, and essential for healthy growth and development of children and adolescents.
There are seven major classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, protein, vitamins, and water.
·         Carbohydrates - our main source of energy.
·         Fats - one source of energy and important in relation to fat soluble vitamins.
·         Roughage (Fiber) - the fibrous indigestible portion of our diet essential to health of the digestive system.
·         Minerals - those inorganic elements occurring in the body and which are critical to its normal functions.
·         Proteins - essential to growth and repair of muscle and other body tissues.
·         Vitamins - water and fat soluble vitamins play important roles in many chemical processes in the body.
·         Water - essential to normal body function - as a vehicle for carrying other nutrients and because 60% of the human body is water.

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Loukya wellness Home is premium nutrition and weight management club which offers everyone and everywhere an opportunity for people to achieve there dreams and their ambitions by making them fitter and healthier not only from your body but also within your soul, We offer a personalized focus on every individual and treat everyone uniquely, As you all know good health is combination of fit body and relaxed mind and soul. So we provide you with free body checkup and free mind counseling and help you to get proper body physique from within and outside.
Visceral fat should be between 2-9.If it is more than that please take care.Check your diet.
Which oil you are using in cooking.Are you depend upon the fast food when you are hungry ?
Do you know how many calorie you burn everyday?

Our weight management programme under guidence Children's have to take daily nutrition food for Taller, Sharper and Stro...